En Cévennes Pour La Via-ferrata Du Thaurac Près De Ganges Et Montpellier Dans L'Hérault

Via-ferrata of Thaurac is open

It is there, a re-opening of the via-ferrata of Thaurac took place on 3 March; Finally, partial. Indeed, only the first part of this route has been reopened to the public. This allows us to enjoy the two chimneys, the zip-line and the two reminders. One of 8 meters and the other of 12 meters. To access the latter, you will have to equip yourself with a headlamp and go through one of the many caves that make up the Thaurac massif, in the gorges of the Hérault.

The second part is still closed to the public. This one consists of two monkey bridges and different air passage that dominate the river of the Hérault. This closure should extend until 31 March, as stipulated in the previous decree.

It will be necessary to wait until the beginning of the spring to have more news regarding the regulations that legislate the access to this second part. In the meantime, there is still enough fun to have fun on the first part, if we know the passages adequate.